
SWWAPP overcomes political borders

Political borders hinder the direct way. Historically, the conflict between North and South Korea. In North Africa, fences separate the continents Europe from Africa. Israel walls the surrounding Palestine.

The affected people often have very different ideas and wishes. While they long for and often believe that closer cooperation is possible, it is rigid political systems that maintain borders. Not just in the mind, but real, physical. Often visible from afar.

In Germany, “the fall of the wall” provided an example of how things could be done differently, and even if the promised blooming landscapes have not yet been created, much has improved for everyone.

However, not every example is an example to be repeated: the border fences and walls between Israel and Palestine are constantly growing, in length and height. And the US even wants to “build” a new border between itself and its neighbor Mexico, with whom, by the way, they are closely intertwined.

The Sudoku World Wide Art Peace Project brings people together. From both sides of the border people can participate as co-authors in the artwork. And maybe celebrate their birthday together. SWWAPP overcomes the borders.

With each picture sold, SWWAPP supports the “Action Reconciliation Service for Peace” with an amount of € 10. Action Reconciliation Service for Peace overcomes political boundaries too: e.g. by organizing international summer camps in Western and Eastern Europe. Your picture and contribution will assist this process.

Contact Information

Lutz Schoenherr
Gustav-Froelich-Str. 8
67480 Edenkoben

 +49 (0) 6323 60 88
 +49 (0) 162 217 6409
 +49 (0) 6323 988 108
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