

1. Login

In order to create your personal birthday picture, we need some data from you.

“Graphic Art Work” will use the submitted data exclusively for the needs of the project. The data is stored securely for the duration of the project and is not shared with anyone else.

Note on privacy: If you order a picture, we assume that you agree that it is used only as described in each case.

For further correspondence with you we need contact details. These are compiled in in the upper part of the form.

There are 3 ways for you to participate in SWWAPP:

Your picture for you:

Your individual picture has to be “personalized” so that it can be assigned to you. The necessary data is compiled in the lower part of the form. We need the information which will be printed on the picture.

Your picture as a gift:

You can also give a picture to someone else. Then, of course, the picture has to be personalized for this person. Please insert the details of the recipient in the given space.

A picture as a donation:

You can also give the picture to someone else without any further specifications. SWWAPP or Graphic Art Work will then assign the picture to someone of whom we have all the necessary data, but who cannot afford it.

This is a donation from you. By doing so, you make a particularly valuable contribution to the idea of SWWAPP as a global peace project.

You should then tick the appropriate box in the form.

This website is not finished yet, we are still working on it. The form for online ordering is still under construction. But you can send me an email and share your wishes. Please contact me via email: schoenherr(at)

The form is not finished yet. Please send us an email or use the contact form.

Contact Information

Lutz Schoenherr
Gustav-Froelich-Str. 8
67480 Edenkoben

 +49 (0) 6323 60 88
 +49 (0) 162 217 6409
 +49 (0) 6323 988 108
is a trademark and copyrighted worldwide.