
is multimedia.

The Sudoku World Wide Art Peace Project is realized in 2 versions. As a collection of 366 manually created screen prints. This will be the unique cumulative art work. And as a presentation of the submissions of the 36 600 co-authors this will be the digital cumulative art event.

The digital version:

From the sudoku numbers received, a matrix is created that assigns a specific function to each number. It decides on the shape, size, color, position, etc. that is used. This results in a graphically realizable image. Starting from this base 4 versions are created, which differ only in the colored execution. On the one hand, they correspond to the individual color specifications for the single image. On the other hand, they correspond to the color scheme intended for the 366 images comprising the overall image.

All variants are produced promptly to order and placed on the net. They are published at

The digital version of the work contains all 36 600 submissions and is infinitely retrievable, repeatable and changeable. That’s why it’s never finished. We call it the SWWAPP cumulative-art-event.

The (analogue) silk screen print version:

The standard version is the color variant whose colors have been reduced according to the color scheme for the complete work, before a complementary color as the background.

Each screen print will be made by hand. Each copy is therefore a unique piece. There will be a maximum of 100 copies per calendar day (series of 4 x 25). The selection is decided by a lottery procedure. Each participant will receive 1 copy.

The composition of the picture is like the 366 elements unique. That’s why we call them SWWAPP cumulative-art-work.

With each print sold, SWWAPP supports the Action Reconciliation Service for Peace with an amount of € 10. You support the worldwide work of the ARSP. So that it can continue to enable many people to actively engage in peace.

Contact Information

Lutz Schoenherr
Gustav-Froelich-Str. 8
67480 Edenkoben

 +49 (0) 6323 60 88
 +49 (0) 162 217 6409
 +49 (0) 6323 988 108
is a trademark and copyrighted worldwide.