
SWWAPP overcomes social boundaries

We need not be surprised. From a German perspective, we are fine. And when we complain, it’s at the highest stage.

Economically, Germany ranks fourth in the world bestseller list of gross domestic product. To put it simply, we live in the fourth strongest economic power in the world, in first place in Europe. Compared to all other countries in the European Union, we have the lowest youth unemployment rate. …

In the list of the “Human Development Index” (HDI) we occupy 3rd place in Europe (out of 188 worldwide). The Eastern European partner countries occupy places commencing rank 50, and the EU candidate countries are in the 80s and 90s of world statistics. The African states almost exclusively below the 150s limit.

If you want to know more, you will find more, endless statistics on the internet. And continue to wonder.

At the same time we live in a globalized world, the communication systems reach almost everyone at any time. With all conceivable information.

While it seems a bit tedious to unlock the poverty of other countries via statistics, the people of Eritrea (HDI: 176 out of 188) are shown daily how one can live everywhere else in the world. Virtually they live with us.

This awakens yearnings. Because the situation in the poor countries of this world seems quite “hopeless”. On the contrary, the further development of prosperity in Europe appears rather “alternative-less”.

With the Sudoku World Wide Art Peace Project you can help to overcome these material boundaries. You can just donate your picture. And by doing so help someone who cannot afford to buy one and to take part in SWWAPP. (More on the pages “register” and “order”).

Contact Information

Lutz Schoenherr
Gustav-Froelich-Str. 8
67480 Edenkoben

 +49 (0) 6323 60 88
 +49 (0) 162 217 6409
 +49 (0) 6323 988 108
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