
SWWAPP colors

Overall, beautifully colorful pictures will be created.

9 color palettes are available as the basis for the color selection. The colors contained in the digital version are provided in 9 gradations in brightness and intensity.

In the digital version 81 colors may be used. For manual screen printing there are up to 5 variations for each of the gradations, so there are about 225 colors available.

The matrix provides that different colors from these spectra are used in the form used in foreground and the color used for background.

Die Basis-Farb-Palette

Digitally there are 6 561 combinations possible. These are clearly defined. For screen printing there are more than 50 000 possible combinations. There is plenty of choice for a truly unique item. Even if several prints are produced per image, they will still be different.

Digitally, the background is generated technically and it either stays white or it moves in a grey area.

For screen printing, the complementary color combined from the elements is determined. In addition to a main color, there are again about 9 variants available. The picture appears in 450 000 shades ….

Contact Information

Lutz Schoenherr
Gustav-Froelich-Str. 8
67480 Edenkoben

 +49 (0) 6323 60 88
 +49 (0) 162 217 6409
 +49 (0) 6323 988 108
is a trademark and copyrighted worldwide.