
Access via your date of birth:

You will reach the following pages in succession:

Du wirst nacheinander folgende Seiten erreichen:

1. The page with all (birth) days of the year. They are initially only shown as SWWAPP switches. Days for which there are already contributions available are shown in as a small picture.

2. If you click one of these buttons, you will receive a list of all contributions already available for that day.

3. You can now view the full input of a particular co-author (or your own).

In turn, the 4 digital variants are called up, by simply clicking the respective image you will get to the next

If you or other co-authors have agreed to this, a photo of the sender and any other personal information about him or her will appear next, as well as the geo-data. In any case, the national flag of the country of origin of the sender will appear next. If it has already been completed, the next step will be a photographic reproduction of the silk screen print for this set of pictures.

Each entry will consist of 4 pictures at a minimum, possibly 8 images are available. Get on and find out…

Contact Information

Lutz Schoenherr
Gustav-Froelich-Str. 8
67480 Edenkoben

 +49 (0) 6323 60 88
 +49 (0) 162 217 6409
 +49 (0) 6323 988 108
is a trademark and copyrighted worldwide.