
A local idea becomes reality worldwide

SWWAPP overcomes all boundaries: virtual and real.

It is the idea and aim of the Sudoku World Wide Art Peace Project to bring people together. Across all existing borders. For this they need things in common.

One thing in common is their same birthday. For every day of the year, as many people as possible should be found who celebrate “birthday” today. This can end up in a worldwide birthday party, at least virtually.

The other thing in common: they come together to create a work of art together. This will consist of as many parts as there are “co-authors”. In the version created by manually created screen prints this will be 366. In the digital version for the Internet there will be 36600 co-authors.

The resulting artwork itself is both a unique piece of art and at the same time part of the SWWAPP project: it exemplifies 1 day of the year as a reference for those who have their birthday on that day.

Each participant will receive “his share” in the analogue cumulative Art Work. After completion of the prints, a personal copy will be sent to him. At the same time, each participant co-authored the digitally generated overall art event. His contribution will be presented promptly on the Internet.

This commonality creates a network that overcomes all borders. The network itself is peacemaking.

In addition, the Sudoku World Wide Peace Project works in the world: With each silkscreen image created in connection with SWWAPP, the “Graphic Art Work” transfers the amount of 10 € to the Action Reconciliation / Peace Service (ASF) headquartered in Berlin (Germany). More about ASF on

Contact Information

Lutz Schoenherr
Gustav-Froelich-Str. 8
67480 Edenkoben

 +49 (0) 6323 60 88
 +49 (0) 162 217 6409
 +49 (0) 6323 988 108
is a trademark and copyrighted worldwide.